2014-09-16 16:35 《中华工控网》翻译
Danfoss to acquire Vacon: join forces in the AC drives business
September 12, 2014 – Danfoss announces a public tender offer for all shares of the Finnish AC drives company Vacon. Vacon shareholders are being offered a cash consideration of EUR 34 for each share in Vacon representing an aggregate equity purchase price of approximately EUR 1,038 million.
2014年9月12日——丹佛斯宣布对芬兰交流变频器公司伟肯(Vacon)发起公开收购要约。丹佛斯向伟肯股东提供每股 34欧元的现金对价,收购总价约为10.38亿欧元。
“After a careful examination of Danfoss’ offer, the Board of Directors of Vacon has unanimously decided to recommend that the shareholders accept it. Vacon is truly one of the great industrial success stories, even globally speaking. By joining forces, the two companies will create a Nordic-based global player – a new AC drives business with the clear ambition to build a leading position in the AC drives market,” says Panu Routila, Chairman of the Board at Vacon.
伟肯董事会主席Panu Routila 表示:“在仔细研究丹佛斯的收购要约后,伟肯董事会一致决定建议股东接受此要约。即使在全球范围来讲,伟肯可谓是真正的行业成功典范之一。两大公司将合力成立一家新的交流变频器公司,以引领交流变频器市场为明确志向,打造以北欧为总部的全球性公司。”
The background for Danfoss’ offer is the company’s strategic focus on creating profitable growth. Vacon is a good match to achieve this ambition. Today, both Danfoss Power Electronics and Vacon are significant players in the AC drives business, and together they will gain an even stronger market position.
“We have a clear strategic ambition to be one of the absolute top players in the businesses where we operate. Vacon is a very strong and innovative player and by creating this new drives business we can ensure a strong long-term growth trajectory,” says Niels B. Christiansen, CEO at Danfoss.
丹佛斯首席执行官Niels B. Christiansen说道:“我们有非常明确的战略目标,即在公司业务涉及领域的市场中占据绝对的领先地位。伟肯是一家非常优秀且具有创新力的公司,而通过全力打造新的变频器业务,我们能确保公司实现长期的强劲增长。”
Vacon is a global company with exceptional R&D, production, and supply chain competences in China, Finland, India, Italy, and the United States, and a highly skilled sales and service organization in 31 countries. The company plays a crucial role in building a new AC drives business to challenge the top players in the world. Finland, as a hotspot in the global AC drives business, plays an especially crucial role and Danfoss will be positioning Finland as one of its future centers of excellence along with the other power electronics centers worldwide.
“I believe that customers will benefit significantly from the two companies joining forces as they will bring even more competitive, innovative, and attractive AC drives to the market. Today, Vacon is stronger than ever, and it has a great future ahead together with Danfoss,” says Vacon’s President and CEO, Vesa Laisi.
伟肯总裁兼首席执行官 Vesa Laisi表示:“我相信,两家公司的结合将向市场推出更具竞争力、创新性及吸引力的交流变频器产品,从而为消费者带来极大好处。今天,伟肯比以往更加强大,与丹佛斯携手,必将带来一个更美好的未来。”
The offer is subject to e.g. approval by relevant authorities, such as competition authorities, and Danfoss gaining control of more than 90 percent of the Vacon shares.