
ETG发布官方EtherCAT P规范文档 2017-02-21 16:11 来源:

As announced at Hannover Messe 2016 the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) has now published a first draft of the official EtherCAT P technology specification together with the extension of all corresponding documents on its website. Additionally, there has been finalized an application note as guideline for the implementation of EtherCAT P slaves.

EtherCAT技术协会(ETG)在2016年4月的汉诺威展会上发布了EtherCAT P技术,ETG现已正式发布官方EtherCAT P技术规范第一稿,并在ETG官网上发布了所有相关扩展文件。此外,ETG还完成了一份EtherCAT P从站的实施指南的应用手册。

Soon after the introduction of EtherCAT P by Beckhoff Automation the technology extension to EtherCAT has been included into the work of the EtherCAT Technology Group. Ever since the official specification document has been in progress and the first draft now has been published. The document ‘ETG.1030 EtherCAT P Specification’ defines the basics of EtherCAT P as extension of the physical layer of the EtherCAT technology. As such, of course, all other EtherCAT standard documents in which EtherCAT P will be integrated have been extended, too.

在德国倍福公司推出EtherCAT技术的扩展技术EtherCAT P之后不久,EtherCAT技术协会就开始了官方规范文档的整理工作。现已发布第一稿规范文件。文件“‘ETG.1030 EtherCAT P规范”定义了EtherCAT P的基础是EtherCAT技术物理层的扩展。

因此,所有其他将集成EtherCAT P的EtherCAT标准文档也已经进行了相应的扩展。

To enable developers of EtherCAT P devices to start their implementation just now Beckhoff has published a so called EtherCAT P application note – a guideline for implementing EtherCAT P slaves. This application note includes the according extension of the EtherCAT implementation including connectors, electrical specification as well as recommendations for EMC-compliant design. In addition to that, the application note informs about different design requirements especially with regards to the usage and connection of supply voltages and describes the calculation basis of currents and voltages in the network.

为使EtherCAT P的设备研发者能够尽快开始实施,德国倍福公司发布了一个EtherCAT P应用手册作为EtherCAT P从站实施指南。该应用手册包含了EtherCAT实施的相关扩展,包括连接器、电气规范,以及EMC兼容设计的建议。除此之外,应用手册还介绍了不同的设计要求,尤其是关于电源电压的使用和连接,并描述了网络中电流和电压的计算依据。

When the ETG accepted EtherCAT P as addition to EtherCAT the first big users signalized their high interest into the technology extension. With the publication of the specification documents and the corresponding application note EtherCAT P can now be included into the development and the implementation of numerous new products has become a certainty.

ETG刚刚将EtherCAT P作为EtherCAT技术扩展时,第一个大用户表示了对该扩展的高度兴趣。随着规范文档和相关应用手册的发布,设备提供商可以开始实施 EtherCAT P。市场上必将有更多的新产品实施的出现。

All documents mirror the actual status of the EtherCAT P technology definition and are available for download on the website of the EtherCAT Technology Group (

所有文档都标明了EtherCAT P技术定义的实际状态,用户可以从EtherCAT技术协会官网(进行下载。

About EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG):

The EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) is an association in which key user companies from various industries and leading automation suppliers join forces to support, promote and advance the EtherCAT technology. With over 4,000 members from 63countries, the EtherCAT Technology Group has become the largest fieldbus organization in the world. Founded in November 2003, it is also the fastest growing association of its kind.

About EtherCAT®:

EtherCAT is the fastest Industrial Ethernet technology and stands for high-performance, low-cost, easeofuse anda flexible topology. It was introduced in 2003 and became an international standard and a SEMI standard in 2007. The EtherCAT Technology Group promotes EtherCAT and is responsible for its continued development. EtherCAT is also an open technology: anyone is allowed to implement or use it.

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