
EtherCAT 技术协会迎来第4000家会员 2017-02-21 16:21 来源:EtherCAT Technology Group

Recently, the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) welcomed the 4,000th member into the organization. The official tribute of KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH, supplier of individual packing solutions with EtherCAT as well as EtherCAT P, took place in the frame of the SPS IPC Drives 2016 in Nuremberg, Germany.

近日,EtherCAT技术协会(ETG)迎来了第4000家会员——KOCH Pac-Systeme 公司,一家采用EtherCAT和EtherCAT P的单个包装解决方案供应商。官方纪念仪式将在2016德国纽伦堡的SPS IPC Drives展会举行

The EtherCAT Technology Group reached another milestone regarding its membership development: In November the German supplier of individual packing solutions, KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH, joined the organization as member no. 4,000. The festive tribute took place in the frame of this year’s SPS IPC Drives show in Nuremberg, Germany. Jürgen Welker, Divisional Director of Control System and Service, came in the name of KOCH to Nuremberg to accept the official membership certificate together with an award. He explains the reason for joining ETG as follows: “Besides the high quality and efficiency it’s especially the individuality with which we convince our clients from our packing solutions. Here, we have been benefiting from the openness and flexibility of EtherCAT for a long time. Additionally, we’ve recently started to work with EtherCAT P, too, so the membership in the ETG was the next logical step for us.”

EtherCAT技术协会在会员发展上迎来了一个新的里程碑:11月,德国单个包装解决方案供应商KOCH Pac-Systeme公司作为第4000家会员加入ETG。纪念仪式将在今年德国纽伦堡SPS IPC Drives展会上举行。KOCH公司控制系统和服务部主任Jürgen Welker将抵达纽伦堡,代表KOCH接受官方会员证书和荣誉奖杯。Jürgen Welker解释了加入ETG的原因:“除了高质量和高效率外,EtherCAT也是说服客户选择我们的包装解决方案非常重要的一点。我们一直受益于EtherCAT的开放性和灵活性。此外,我们近期也开始着手EtherCAT P的工作。因此,成为ETG会员对我们来说是重要且合理的举措。”

Martin Rostan, Executive Director of the ETG, who awarded KOCH Pac-Systeme from ETG side is also happy about the new member: “KOCH Pac-Systeme joining the ETG is evidence how well accepted EtherCAT P is already now as extension to EtherCAT. And the fact that the ETG now has reached 4,000 member companies is a strong sign that the development of our organization is marked by an extraordinary good growth.”

ETG执行董事Martin Rostan先生将授予KOCH Pac-Systeme会员证书,并对新会员的加入表示欣喜:“KOCH Pac-Systeme加入ETG表明,EtherCAT P成为EtherCAT技术的扩展已被很好地接受。同时,ETG会员达到4000家的事实也足以证明,我们组织的发展和成长不同凡响。”

A membership in the EtherCAT Technology Group offers companies working with EtherCAT and EtherCAT P several advantages as well as the possibility to participate actively in the technology’s development.

EtherCAT技术协会为会员单位采用EtherCAT和EtherCAT P提供了优势,并提供了积极参与技术开发的可能性。

More information about ETG membership can be found here:



Picture caption:

Martin Rostan, Executive Director ETG, and Jürgen Welker, Divisional Director of Control System and Service at KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH, during the festive tribute of ETG’s member no. 4,000.

图示ETG执行董事Martin Rostan先生和KOCH Pac-Systeme公司控制系统和服务部主任Jürgen Welker在ETG会员突破4000的纪念仪式上。

About EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG):

The EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) is an association in which key user companies from various industries and leading automation suppliers join forces to support, promote and advance the EtherCAT technology. With over 4,000 members from 63 countries, the EtherCAT Technology Group has become the largest fieldbus organization in the world. Founded in November 2003, it is also the fastest growing association of its kind.

About EtherCAT®:

EtherCAT is the fastest Industrial Ethernet technology and stands for high-performance, low-cost, ease of use and a flexible topology. It was introduced in 2003 and became an international standard and a SEMI standard in 2007. The EtherCAT Technology Group promotes EtherCAT and is responsible for its continued development. EtherCAT is also an open technology: anyone is allowed to implement or use it.

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