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This instrument consists of an ultraviolet lamp with the type of ZSZ-6-A £ánd an ultraviolet lamp with the type of ZSZ-6-B £ánd the filters.The lamp of ZSZ-6-A emits the light with short wavelength of 254nm £ánd the lamp of ZSZ-6-B emits the light with long wavelength of 365nm. This instrument can also emit the two lights mixed with the wavelength mentioned above.
¡¡¡¡Low power consumption.
¡¡¡¡Low thermal effect caused at the parts of the instrument.
¡¡¡¡The operation can run continually £ánd be lasting for a long time.
¡¡¡¡The most advantages are:
¡¡¡¡The operation starts immediately when switch on.It is very convenient to switch on £ánd switch off frequently optionally.
¡¡¡¡Provides the intensive ultraviolet lights of 254 £ánd 365nm for the fluorescent analysis by means of that the lights emitted from the ultraviolet lamps £ánd the visible light is filtered by passing through the filters.
¡¡¡¡¢Å Detect various substances such as protein £ánd nucleotide,etc,at the scientific experiment areas.
¡¡¡¡¢Æ Examine the qualities of various medicines which can emit fluorescence at the medicines production £ánd development such as hormone,alkaloid,vitamins,etc.This instrument is particularly suitable to undertake the spots analysis £ánd detecting for thin-layer chromatography £ánd paper chromatography.
¡¡¡¡¢Ç Examine the various fluorescence emitting materials,fluorescence indicators £ánd additives,distinguish the different crude oil £ánd rubber products at the enterprises engaging in chemical products such as dyes,coating,rubber,petroleum,etc.
¡¡¡¡¢È Examine the different raw £ánd processed material such as wool,real silk,rayon, cotton,
synthetic fiber,etc £ánd check the ouelities of their products at the areas engaging in textil chemistry fiber,development.
¡¡¡¡¢É Check the toxin£¨such as flevacin£©,food additive,spoiled vegetables,fruits,ca-ca-os fat,
chocolate,fat,honey,sugar,eggs,etc at the departments engaging in food,oil £ánd vegetables development.
¡¡¡¡¢Ê Discover various minerals £ánd distinguish the real of false for the histonical relics £ánd fossils at the department of geology £ánd archaeology.
¡¡¡¡¢Ë Check the fingering trails £ánd characters trails written in secret at the publis security bureau.
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ZF-2ÈýÓÃ×ÏÍâ·ÖÎöÒÇ 280¡Á265¡Á300 ²¨³¤£º254¡¢254nm£¬¿É¼û¹â£¬ÂËɫƬÃæ»ý:200¡Á50mm 3.5
ZF-3ÈýÓÃ×ÏÍâ·ÖÎöÒÇ 280¡Á265¡Á300 ²¨³¤£º365¡¢365nm£¬¿É¼û¹â£¬ÂËɫƬÃæ»ý:200¡Á50mm 3.5



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