
ODVA宣布与OPC基金会成立联合工作组 2020-04-01 17:18 《中华工控网》翻译

ODVA announces joint working group with OPC Foundation

ODVA announced that it has launched a joint working group with the OPC Foundation to develop an OPC UA companion specification to the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP). The collaboration between ODVA and the OPC Foundation will result in secure communications between devices that are a part of a CIP-enabled Industrial Control System (ICS) and other OPC UA enabled applications allowing communication between CIP devices and OPC UA devices as well as with cloud and enterprise level services. Common tasks required for cloud gateway appliance management will be enabled, and CIP devices will have unimpeded access to leading cloud services. The OPC UA companion specification will address the challenge of moving industrial communication and control data from the factory floor to the cloud via gateways.

ODVA宣布已与OPC基金会成立了一个联合工作组,以开发通用工业协议(CIP)的OPC UA配套规范。ODVA与OPC基金会之间的合作将确保作为CIP支持的工业控制系统(ICS)一部分的设备与其他支持OPC UA的应用之间的安全通信,从而允许CIP设备与OPC UA设备之间以及与云之间的通信和企业级服务。启用云网关设备管理所需的常见任务,并且CIP设备将不受阻碍地访问领先的云服务。OPC UA配套规范将解决通过网关将工业通信和控制数据从工厂转移到云端的挑战。
The OPC UA companion specification will map CIP objects to the appropriate OPC UA information models and profiles and vice-versa. Sending data to and from the cloud from EtherNet/IP to OPC UA will be accomplished by providing information including discovery, identity, diagnostics, status, parameter and much more from CIP devices. Allowing critical automation information to be transferred from EtherNet/IP to OPC UA will lower the effort required to enable access from higher level systems, such as Analytics, ERP or MES. The OPC UA companion specification to CIP will ensure that data will be available to Enterprise and IT systems with proper context and semantics (i.e. meaning) for trend analysis and insight generation.

OPC UA配套规范将把CIP对象映射到适当的OPC UA信息模型和配置文件,反之亦然。通过从CIP设备提供包括发现、身份、诊断、状态、参数等信息,可以实现从EtherNet/IP到云之间以及从EtherNet/IP向OPC UA发送数据。允许将关键的自动化信息从EtherNet/IP传输到OPC UA,将降低从更高级系统(如分析、ERP或MES)进行访问所需的工作量。CIP的OPC UA配套规范将确保企业和信息技术系统能够获得数据,并为趋势分析和洞察生成提供适当的上下文和语义(即含义)。

A joint working group, composed of members of ODVA and the OPC Foundation, will work to identify critical device to cloud use cases, such as tying warranty costs back to production variations, that will drive the scope of the work to be done. In parallel work to the joint development of the OPC UA companion specification to CIP, CIP and EtherNet/IP will be enhanced by ODVA SIGs, as needed, to ensure that all of the pertinent data is able to be understood by OPC UA without any additional work needed by end users.

由ODVA和OPC基金会成员组成的联合工作组将致力于确定关键设备到云的使用案例,例如将保修成本与生产变化挂钩,这将推动工作范围的扩大。在联合开发OPC UA配套规范到CIP的并行工作中,ODVA SIG将根据需要增强CIP和EtherNet/IP,以确保OPC UA能够理解所有相关数据,而无需终端用户进行任何额外的工作。

The coordination of ODVA and the OPC Foundation will work to ensure scalability and interoperability of key device information with critical meaning across the entire enterprise. Specifically, OPC UA servers will be able to map to and expose CIP objects and will have the services to allow establishing a connection and exchanging well-formed messages between OPC UA applications and EtherNet/IP. The end goal of the joint working group is to create an OPC UA companion specification that will map CIP objects to the needed information models and profiles.

ODVA和OPC基金会的协调将致力于确保关键设备信息的可扩展性和互操作性,这些信息在整个企业中具有至关重要的意义。具体来说,OPC UA服务器将能够映射并公开CIP对象,并将具有允许在OPC UA应用程序和EtherNet/IP之间建立连接并交换格式正确的消息的服务。联合工作组的最终目标是创建一个OPC UA配套规范,该规范将CIP对象映射到所需的信息模型和配置文件。

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